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ConectoHub vs Trello

Work with result oriented #1 Trello Alternative.

Be more productive ConectoHub powerful free features

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Holistic Project Views (5+ Views) Paid
Gantt Timeline View Paid
Real-time Project Reports Paid
Recurring Tasks Paid
Multiple Assignees
Team Assignees
To-do Management/Tasks without Projects(Boards)
All Tasks Home View
Task Dependencies

ConectoHub has comprehensive premium features not only Kanban boards but also holistic views

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Project Portfolios/Folders
Widget Based Dashboards
Team Workload & Task Perfomance Widgets
OKR System
Linking Tasks and Projects to OKRs
OKR Progress Reports
360 Degree Feedbacks

Key Points

Here is you can see how ConectoHub is better and more cost effective than Trello.

Flexible Team Structure

Unlike Trello, you can link projects and tasks to multiple teams. By this way, different teams can collaborate in the same page with ease.

Multiple Assignees

In Trello you can only one assignee for each task. This limitation may be irritiating sometimes. In ConectoHub, you are all free to one or multiple assignees for tasks. We call it flexibility!

Team Assignees

Let’s think about it, you have a team that has many members.  If you want to inform team to collaborate on a task, you have to add each people to the task. We know that’s annoying and it has nothing to do with productivity! Thanks to “Team Assignee” feature of ConectoHub, you can assign your team to notify them.

Holistic Project View Options

ConectoHub offers more than 5+ views to visualize and track your projects.

All Tasks Home View

In ConectoHub, organize your all tasks whether they are from different projects or daily to-dos in the Home view. See your tasks grouped by today, tomorrow, and what’s overdue. 

Powerful OKR System

ConectoHub OKR System provides full fledged OKR features such as, Gtmhub, etc. Other hand, Trello has no OKR features.

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