
How to Plan Your Goals and Achieve them?

New year resolutions are a great idea. They’re a promise to yourself to be a better person and achieve your goals. I’m sure you have a lot of great ideas and plans to achieve something truly amazing in a year. However, it’s easy to lose motivation and forget them. If you want to achieve your goals in 2022, then you need to make them measurable, specific, realistic, result oriented and time bound. The most common thing that happens is that we fail setting our goals or we don’t even try to achieve them. Why do we fail to set our goals? It’s because we don’t plan our goals properly. 


As you begin to plan for the upcoming year, we’ve put together these three resources that will help you get a better sense of what your main priorities need to be and how to find success with the goals you set for yourself:


Too many companies have goals, but achieving those goals needs  a clear action plan. In this blog we will give you a step-by-step guide how to achieve your goals with OKR methodology.

Step-1: Strategic goals are great for setting targets and implementing change in a timely manner. The hybrid top-down and bottom-up framework provides a good way to start a strategic plan. First, you identify the strategic goals, then gather the data and information you need to optimize the plan, and lastly, get everyone on board. An easy way to start a strategic plan is to break down the steps and take your time to get it right.


Step-2: Most effective mechanism for aligning top-down strategy with bottom-up, team-level commitments to intermediate goals. The concept of alignment is a major component of business management, and can be applied to both small and large organizations. Whenever a manager thinks of strategy, they consider the goals of the company, and how to meet those goals by prioritizing and aligning resources toward those goals. Those goals are usually determined and set by upper-level management. But if those goals aren’t aligned with the teams that are going to execute the plans to meet those goals, the entire project isn’t going to be successful. Alignment isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a matter of ensuring that all stakeholders in a project or organization know the direction the project is going in, and how they can contribute to meet the goal.


Step-3: It’s important to have an organization that values teamwork, and that each individual is able to understand the role of their work in the big picture. The best way to do this is to make sure that everyone knows the goals and the outcome that the team is working towards, as well as what their part in the final product is. Even if they’re on a different team or department, it’s important to understand the overall landscape and how their work helps contribute to the overall goal. By making a plan and keeping everyone informed, you’re not only increasing the teamwork in your office, but you’re also allowing your team to easily identify where they can make improvements to the final output.By connecting each individual’s work to your teams’ goals, evert team member has the context for why their work matters.


As per the official definition from Google, “OKRs are a simple way to communicate and align teams around some high-priority (i.e. stretch) goals.” OKRs, or objectives and key results, are a crucial component of any business strategy. Many companies have already aligned their business strategies with the OKRs and continue to reap the benefits. It is essential to create goals that bring both value and growth of the business while solving a problem or meeting a real need. Here are some smart goal examples that can guide you when setting up your own OKRs.

So, how to achieve your goals? It is difficult to achieve a goal if you don’t have a plan. Writing out a plan is critical for every individual.

Break the bigger picture into smaller pieces:

1. If you have ever tried to achieve a certain goal, you know how difficult it can be. It can bring you both joy and pain, excitement and a feeling of failure. However, if you set your goals out clearly and concisely you can give yourself a great advantage because you will be able to better understand what it is you need to do to achieve your goal and you won’t be stuck in a rut with no clue where to begin. By clearly identifying where you want to be, you can better recognize the steps you need to take to get there. You will be more likely to succeed if you set your goals out clearly and concisely.


2. Define clear steps to achieve your goals and see the progress of your goals based on your business output. Remember the saying “Goals are dreams with deadlines”. This is so true! You can be successful in implementing your goals if you set a realistic deadline for each. It’s also important to break your goals into smaller, more manageable steps. When you achieve each step, you’ll be able to see how far you’ve come. And because small action steps are more manageable, you’ll become more motivated and inspired to complete your larger goals. It’s important to always measure the progress of your goals. That way, you’ll be able to see how you’re doing and what you need to do in order to keep moving forward.


Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you have a goal, but don’t know how to achieve it, then it might be time to step back and plan what you need to do in order to be successful.  You should break down those steps into smaller chunks. Don’t try to do it all at once.  That will be overwhelming and you will give up before you begin.  Make a schedule that you can stick with and reward yourself when you meet your goal. Good luck..!


With ConectoHub make sure your goals and actions match and you’re already one step closer to success!

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